"The Adventures of Tessa" chronicles the experiences of live aboard sailing while traveling the Great Loop Route. Follow the adventures here with Tessa (a 50' Gulfstar) along with her crew, Captain Gary (Frugal Captain) and Lori Milson.
Hi Gary and Lori. This is Clay, Captain of Special Detail and who was fortunate to watch the fireworks aboard Tessa last summer. Hope you had a great time working the boat shows but all of us at Lakefront Marina are going through "Tessa Update" withdrawl. Word has spread fast and I believe your updates are widely read. Great Job on the videos Nick! I must say though it wasn't the same going to the Lagoon Saloon aboard the little boat on the Portage River and not seeing Tessa along the way. May the rest of your adventurous voyage be calmer down the home stretch.
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Hi Gary and Lori. This is Clay, Captain of Special Detail and who was fortunate to watch the fireworks aboard Tessa last summer. Hope you had a great time working the boat shows but all of us at Lakefront Marina are going through "Tessa Update" withdrawl. Word has spread fast and I believe your updates are widely read. Great Job on the videos Nick! I must say though it wasn't the same going to the Lagoon Saloon aboard the little boat on the Portage River and not seeing Tessa along the way. May the rest of your adventurous voyage be calmer down the home stretch.
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