"The Adventures of Tessa" chronicles the experiences of live aboard sailing while traveling the Great Loop Route. Follow the adventures here with Tessa (a 50' Gulfstar) along with her crew, Captain Gary (Frugal Captain) and Lori Milson.
Gary and Lori, I sure am enjoying your adventures. I remember working the sailboat show with Don and D. (I sold my books at a gift shop across from the show and worked with D at a consignment show.) I am enjoying working with Steve at The Canvas Yard here in Dunedin, FL. We often sail in the Gulf of Mexico. (Sue Foote from the old La Boatique now from The Canvas Yard.) http://www.kellnet.com/laboatique/TheCanvasYard.html
Gary and Lori, I sure am enjoying your adventures. I remember working the sailboat show with Don and D. (I sold my books at a gift shop across from the show and worked with D at a consignment show.)
I am enjoying working with Steve at The Canvas Yard here in Dunedin, FL. We often sail in the Gulf of Mexico. (Sue Foote from the old La Boatique now from The Canvas Yard.)
...sweeeeet! Where do we sign up? Let's see, you work, then drink, then work, then drink ... hmmmm we can do that!
John and Mary
sv Marylee
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